Air Classifier Separation of Graphite from Ore

Air Classifier Separation of Graphite from Ore

Air classification is a method of separating particles based on their density, shape and aerodynamic properties. Volt Carbon Technologies has optimized its air classifiers through computational fluid dynamics. One of Volt Carbon Technologies’ earlier generation air classifier is shown here, with air moving through the system horizontally from right to left as material crushed to 12 mesh is introduced from the top. A diffuser further breaks down particles which are then sorted into bins at the bottom of the air classifier. The denser particles settle faster due to their weight, while the lighter particles are carried farther along with the air current before settling. The airflow through the classifier is adjustable, meaning the system can be tuned to classify different material properties as needed.

Volt Carbon Technologies is developing new and proprietary air classification systems for separating out large-flake graphite, leveraging the difference in the aerodynamic properties of the flake graphite and the denser, more spherical surrounding material. The result is an effective, energy-efficient, and mobile means of extracting natural graphite after the initial primary crushing processes.

Volt Carbon Technologies has what management believes is a potentialy straightforward low energy proprietary air classification systems

  • Graphite is liberated from host material using aerodynamics
  • We believe this process can be used for extracting flake graphite from aggregate in a quarry type setting
  • Graphite purification up to 95% purity depending on host material
  • We believe this process can separate out graphite flakes from fine (300μm) simultaneously [1]
  • Dry-circuit uses no reagents, acids or environmental contaminants
  • Environmentally clean with what management believes is an efficient use of energy and water
  • Serves as a primary purification process
  • Management anticipates a substantial reduction  in CAPEX compared to flotation for graphite purification [2]


  1. Estimates and results are based on laboratory tests only and such results or estimates, as applicable, may not be replicated, scaled or result in the same estimates, measurements, or results in commercial utilizations. Estimates or results have not been verified by an independent third party and actual results may very.
  2. These statements are “forward looking information”. Please refer to the Forward Information Advisory webpage on this site.

Air Classification Facility

High Grade Flakes extracted from Volt Carbon Technologies’ air classifier

Jumbo graphite flakes extracted from Volt Carbon Technologies’ air classifier at over 90% purity