ProjectsManitouwadge Flake Graphite Project

Volt Carbon Technologies Stakes New Mining Claims in Northern Ontario

The Manitouwadge Area Flake Graphite Project staking was completed following a detailed review of several publicly available Ontario Government geological databases and publications. A total of 128 Mining Claim cells were registered by electronic staking through the Ontario Mining Lands Administration System portal, covering a total area of 2662 hectares. A map showing Volt Carbon’s mining claims is overlaid on top of the map provided by the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development publication “Recommendations for Exploration Special Edition: Critical Minerals Compilation 2020-2022” and is shown in Figure 1.

The mining claims consists of 5 blocks of cells which are located in two general areas north of Manitouwadge. The first location consists of 4 blocks of claims (refer to Fig 1) and is approximately 28 km north of Manitouwadge.

The southernmost claim in this area covers prospective extensions of known flake graphite occurrences identified by the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development which are denoted by the “white stars” on the map. In addition, the new claims overlap older legacy claims which were previously known to have graphite occurrences. Volt Carbon’s claims are adjacent to an existing graphite property owned by Ardiden Inc, which is known to have a developed prospect. In 2015, Ardiden Inc. discovered on their property several new zones of flake graphite associated with
nearby electromagnetic conductors.

The second location is 25 km further north of the first location near Taradale and is situated at a location with a known flake graphite occurrence which was identified by McKay (1994). This property is listed in the Ontario Mineral Inventory database.

These claims will enable Volt Carbon to further explore a potential prospect for flake graphite in Ontario. The Company intends to evaluate the use of its air classifier technology against the local minerology by sampling and enriching small grab samples of graphitic ore from these locations. The Company plans to further explore the Project for flake graphite in 2023.

  1. Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry Recommendations for Exploration Special Edition: Critical Minerals Compilation 2020-2022.
  2. Coates, M.E. 1966. Stevens–Kagiano Lake area, District of Thunder Bay; Ontario Department of Mines, Preliminary Map P.362, scale 1:63 360.
  3. McKay 1994. Mineral occurrences of the Manitouwadge area, volumes 1-3; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5906, 566p. 31112296
  4. Ontario Mineral Inventory, MDI142F12SE00007, Taradale Graphite Occurrence – 1991
  5. Technical Report on the Manitouwadge Graphite Exploration Property at Manitouwadge, Ontario, Canada. Felix, 2012

Fig. 1: Plan Map of Volt Carbon’s Manitouwadge Area Flake Graphite Project (highlighted in red)